Einstein’s Brain…

In a Jar—

I heard it on the radio, read it in a book, saw it on the internet

It all started with Einstein’s brain in a jar. I heard this on the radio as I was walking out of the room. His brain ended up in a jar because when he died the coroner took it out of his body and then cremated him as was his wish. The coroner then took the brain home. In a jar! The kid apparently went to school or some thing like that, said we have Einstein’s brain in a jar. The science community found out and they started taking his brain apart.

The stars, the universe expanding with Einstein’s theories. Not my mother’s astronomy. Not the one of my early schooling. Like Hubble’s theories our universe is expanding.

I think however most of the art around me looks more to the cultures and the cosmology of the ancient cultures for the answers than to science of today. We still are looking back to the images of times when the earth was the center of the universe, with a flat sky and earth; god is in the heavens and all and the devil in place below. The science and church in agreement.

While looking on the Internet for images of sun spots and gravitational fields, I discovered that Galileo had drawn sun spots. Following links, I found Galileo’s Moons. Galileo used an early telescope to make the drawings. He turned his telescope around and found it would enlarge small things on earth. His contemporary, Stelluti, another mouse click away, used that telescope as a microscope to study bees. Looking forward to our time, I was hearing on the radio how bees are disappearing and the relationship of global warming to insect behavior. The moon now has footprints.

So my images look back in time. Back to the old cosmology. Back to the Egyptians, back to Galleo. My images look to today. To the Hubble, to the images I download with computer and telescope camera. My images are my exploration of the new discoveries in science related to the mind and the universe. My images are a combination of processes both very old like etchings and very new, using computer generated imagery. I hear it on the radio, read it in books and then find it on the Internet.

Portfolio of Einstein’s Brain in a Jar